About me

My name is Jefferson Henry Okon, and I hail from Cross River State, Nigeria. Born in Calabar in the early 2000s, I spent most of my formative years there, immersed in a culture rich in history and innovation. My educational journey began at Estate Model High, where I graduated before pursuing a bachelor's degree at Ritman University a few years later. From a young age, I was captivated by the world of technology and science. This passion was fueled by the inspiring stories of prominent tech figures, the vast resources available on social media, and the encouragement from my peers. It was during my time in SS1 that my fascination with programming took root. Initially, I dedicated myself to researching and understanding what it takes to be a programmer, delving into the intricacies of coding and software development. By SS2, I had moved beyond theory and began writing my first programs. This hands-on experience was both challenging and exhilarating, marking the start of my practical journey in programming. The culmination of my early efforts came in SS3 when I successfully built my first webpage. This achievement was a significant milestone, reinforcing my commitment to mastering the art of programming. As the years progressed, so did my skills and ambitions. I didn't just stop at creating websites; I ventured into the dynamic world of game development. The combination of creativity and technical prowess required to build games fascinated me, and I found immense satisfaction in bringing my ideas to life through code. Today, I regularly create websites and develop games, continually refining my craft and embracing new technologies. Each project is an opportunity to learn and grow, adding to the knowledge and experience I've accumulated over the years. What began as a dream in my school years has transformed into a fulfilling and ongoing pursuit, driven by a deep-seated love for technology and the endless possibilities it offers.